Tremor Mod Wiki

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/* Logo */
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/* Adds bulletpoints styled after links to all lists on the wiki, replaces the default, gauche blue of the Mediawiki, that's so drab and ugly, mon Dieu! */

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/* Sliver Fix */

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/* Page history */
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/* Preferences */
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/* Front page styles *
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

/* -- Infobox & infobox wrapper template style ---------------------- */
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/* ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

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/* ------------------ */

/* Auto line separators for tables */
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/* ------------------ */

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div.crafts th:last-child{
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div.crafts td{
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div.crafts td.station{
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div.crafts.nostation th.station,
div.crafts.nostation td.station{
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div.crafts table li{
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